Founder and Baker of Gracie Baked! I love creating unique baked good concoctions and sharing them with others!
In college I started a late night treats delivery service called S'more to Door. After graduating, I worked at Momofuku Milk Bar and led baking therapy classes at an eating disorder treatment center and at The Door, a non-profit that assists homeless and at-risk youth. I launched Gracie Baked to share my treats with anyone and everyone who wants them!
I am super excited to announce that Gracie Baked hires paid interns from The Door - an NYC non-profit working to empower young people to reach their full potential. After graduating from The Door’s culinary program, interns are hired to work with Gracie in the kitchen making all of the delicious treats you enjoy! As Gracie Baked grows, it is important that the impact on the community grows as well.